Dark Souls Remastered Attunement Slots

  1. Dark Souls Attunement Stat
  2. Dark Souls Remastered Attunement Slots Slot
  • neems 29 Nov 2020 00:10:48 5,167 posts
    Seen 2 hours ago
    Registered 12 years ago
    Done as well, awesome game (my first time finishing it). From's design plus Bluepoint's technical wizardry... wow. Restarted on Fractured Mode, which hurts my head.
    I hope Elden Ring doesn't look shit by comparison.
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 00:11:03 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
    Registered 5 months ago
    @Rogueywon cheers, literally sat on the soul power screen hoping to get a quick answer to increase the right one 👍🏻
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 00:15:06 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    You might already know this, Worlds but you also need to equip a catalyst.
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 00:17:18 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
    Registered 5 months ago
    @ZuluHero yeah managed to find one in my storage. Thought I’d chucked it thinking it was a shitty weapon stick.
    Just spent 15,000 souls but still not at 50 for magic, which is required to use the Warding. Damn.
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 00:18:52 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
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    Scrap that, I mean I need more memory. For now I can swap Soul Arrow for Warding, but not have both.
  • Rogueywon 29 Nov 2020 00:28:40 10,318 posts
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    @Worlds You don't need 50 magic to cast warding! It costs 50 mp. It does, however, need two free attunement slots.
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 00:51:57 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
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    @Rogueywon yeah I fucked up there thinking that. It’s all these little numbers and symbols that have had zero explanation! Worked it out now.
    Is it not possible to have 3 attunement slots so I can have both Warding and Souls Arrow to switch between?
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 00:55:30 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    For the record it's intelligence to level to get attunement slots. You get 2 at level 12, 3 at level 14 etc etc
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 00:56:13 9,598 posts
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  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 00:57:08 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    Here you go, this might help
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 01:14:57 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
    Registered 5 months ago
    That’s Dark Souls but looks like it’s similar 😉
    Well I’ve quickly realised how OP magic is, so I’m going all in on that now, with my Knight...
  • jonathanlealand 29 Nov 2020 01:38:35 111 posts
    Seen 5 hours ago
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    So I bought Demon’s Souls on day one but have been putting it off while I mop up my second play through of DS2 because I hate running concurrent games. Now I’m torn between suppressing my desire to play Demons on the shiny new PS5 and instead playing through DS2 DLC - which I never experienced first time round...
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 01:50:53 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    Worlds wrote:
    That’s Dark Souls but looks like it’s similar 😉
    Well I’ve quickly realised how OP magic is, so I’m going all in on that now, with my Knight...
    Ahh yeah, whoops, this is Demon's
    Looks like you get 3 at 18 INT. Sorry for the misinformation, like I said earlier, not a magic user. Rolly rolly stabby stabby 😉
  • neems 29 Nov 2020 07:42:55 5,167 posts
    Seen 2 hours ago
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    jonathanlealand wrote:
    So I bought Demon’s Souls on day one but have been putting it off while I mop up my second play through of DS2 because I hate running concurrent games. Now I’m torn between suppressing my desire to play Demons on the shiny new PS5 and instead playing through DS2 DLC - which I never experienced first time round...
    Your call, but you've spent hundreds of pounds on a new console and £70 on Demon's Souls, it seems a bit weird leaving it while you finish off DS2.
  • Boriska 29 Nov 2020 08:41:33 939 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
    Registered 7 years ago
    I'm trying to farm pure bladestone - the first black skeleton near the Falchion does drop it eventually, right?
  • neems 29 Nov 2020 08:53:03 5,167 posts
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  • Rogueywon 29 Nov 2020 08:57:50 10,318 posts
    Seen 2 minutes ago
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    I've had two drops. The first was from the one right before the Adjudicator boss room, the second was from the one in the secret passage in 4-2.
  • KRadiation 29 Nov 2020 09:00:39 1,683 posts
    Seen 3 hours ago
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    Defeated Flamelurker last night and its dawning on me that bosses aren't quite as difficult as I expected.
    I've been trying to use magic and attack at a distance but the bosses are for the most part up up in my face most of the fights.
    Tried using my sword and dodging and I'm niw getting through them like a hot knife through butter.
    That leech guy, flamelurker, tower knight... wiped the floor with me. I got at them abd keep rolling around and the fights last night more than 30 seconds :/
    I'm guessing that changes as I make it to the level 2 3 and 4 bosses for each area?
    I'm not complaining too much but its just all my focus is going into magic ranged attacks sp being forced almost to do melee up close feels a bit like Deus Ex with its boss fights.
  • fiery_jackass 29 Nov 2020 09:05:16 1,177 posts
    Seen 10 hours ago
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    Boriska wrote:
    I'm trying to farm pure bladestone - the first black skeleton near the Falchion does drop it eventually, right?
    no, there are only two that can drop it AFAIK: one in 4-2 and, slightly less rarely and a shit-ton harder, the Black Phantom one in 4-2 during PBWT.
  • Boriska 29 Nov 2020 09:13:03 939 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    Could have sworn the first black skeleton dropped pure bladestone on my first run through.
    OK, thanks, will move on!
  • Rogueywon 29 Nov 2020 09:14:11 10,318 posts
    Seen 2 minutes ago
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    @KRadiation I played as a caster and there were only a couple of bosses where I had to use a lot of melee. Flamelurker wasn't one of them. You need to do a good bit of dodging, but he also has some lengthy recovery periods where you can happily pelt him with spells.
  • mothercruncher 29 Nov 2020 10:12:36 18,470 posts
    Seen 26 minutes ago
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    Only ever had a single drop of pure bladestone, and that was similar- 4-2 skelly.
  • Worlds 29 Nov 2020 10:15:57 283 posts
    Seen 29 minutes ago
    Registered 5 months ago
    @jonathanlealand once you go DS PS5, you won’t go back. Forgot Dark Souls, get your mind blown with Demon Souls.
    Edit: look at me talking as if I’m a fucking Souls pro. I literally gave up BB, Souls, Sekiro within 3 hours of each. Took Demon Souls to make me one of you. Still dreaming about it after I play it every night.
    Edited by Worlds at 10:17:21 29-11-2020
  • wuntyate 29 Nov 2020 10:16:26 16,108 posts
    Seen 2 hours ago
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    I gave up hunting for pure bladestone. Will maybe have another hunt in ng+ but it was doing my head in. Ended up making a tearing uchi to +5 instead.
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 10:20:55 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
    Registered 14 years ago
    Same. Except I stayed with +3 sharp and pumped dex. I can try and take it further on my next run.
  • quadfather 29 Nov 2020 14:20:51 37,770 posts
    Seen 5 hours ago
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    There's an article on the front page about demon's souls. I don't agree with it, but that's not the point. What I was wondering though, is what is the music like in 5-3? Can someone let me know? Is it different from the original?
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 14:26:55 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    Tbf I couldnt tell. I couldn't remember the original, but the remake music It was definitely stiring though. It was one of the standout music pieces for me.
  • wuntyate 29 Nov 2020 14:28:18 16,108 posts
    Seen 2 hours ago
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    Yeah same. Can't recall the original but this music was nice and sweeping as I shot an innocent lady to death like a coward.
  • ZuluHero 29 Nov 2020 14:32:57 9,598 posts
    Seen 1 hour ago
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    Yeah, it definitely wasn't appropriate music for my cowardly tactics 😊
  • fiery_jackass 29 Nov 2020 14:55:54 1,177 posts
    Seen 10 hours ago
    Registered 15 years ago
    oh man, I wish Bluepoint had made the farming a little less painful. Maybe also they should have made it a bit easier to manipulate towards White World by doing coop or something. Getting black world is a piece of piss by comparison.
    whilst they're at it, I'd like it if invaders could pass through enemies blocking doorways like Dark Souls did.
  • The maximum possible number of Attunement Slots is 12 slots (having at least 50 points in Attunement and equipping both rings) Glitch Notes: Sometimes when gaining a new attunment slot, if a spell is not acquired right away, the atunment slot may become unusable Join the page discussion Tired of.
  • With the release of Dark Souls: Remastered, it's time to dust off the dueling gloves and lay out the soapstones. These are the best PvP builds focused on. Both of which give you +1 Attunement slot each - you'll want to make sure you have your Attunement stat leveled to.

Dark Souls Attunement Stat

At 99 Attunement you have 10 Attunement slots Does it still give you 2 slots more or is there a cap 10 slots. Reply Replies (0) 5 +1. Looking for friends that play dark souls 3 or who plan on getting dark souls remastered PSN:WitheredLuck0 that is a zero not an o. Reply Replies (2) 3 +1. Attunement is an attribute governing number of spells that can be attuned. Boosts spell casting speed. Raises attunement slots: See table.

Dark Souls Remastered Attunement Slots Slot

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