Bank Slots Osrs


Pages in category ‘Slot tables’ The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. A database of Old School Runescape (OSRS) items in JSON format available via a JSON API or used in a Python package. This project provides access to metadata about every OSRS item in the game! Receive data about items including name, alch values, examine text, and combat bonuses. Bank fillers can be added to the bank by using the bank settings button in the top right corner of the bank interface. Doing so fills the player's bank with the selected amount of useless fillers. Bank fillers can be cleared with a right-click option or by using the bank settings menu. Additional Grand Exchange Slots The clerks at the Grand Exchange have decided it is about time they upped the quality of their service. As such, members now have access to 8 Grand Exchange slots and free-to-play players have access to 3 Grand Exchange slots.

  1. Bank Slots Osrs Exp

Perhaps you're wondering about what a 'Bank Note' is, or you'djust like to know how it's possible to trade large amounts of items in a single trade screen. Even though they are relatively simple to understand, some players aren't sure of what they are, so this guide will hopefully explain them better.

Table of Contents

  • Obtaining Bank Notes
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

The Basics

Bank Notes are essentially little pieces of paper representing a given item or a certain number of the same type of item. Notes cannot be used until they are exchanged for the actual item they represent. Each Bank Note represents a single item, and a picture of the item appears on the note. To the left is an image of ten Rune Ore Bank Notes. Ores are not usually stackable, but they are when they are in noted form.

Notes representing the same item will always stack in your inventory, and each stack of Bank Notes can hold over two billion notes. Notes will only stack if the noted item is exactly the same, so items such as potions with different doses, or enchanted jewelry with different amounts of charges will not be stackable in noted form.

There are certain items which cannot be noted. This includes stackable items such as arrows, untradeable items, and quest items.

Obtaining Bank Notes

Bank Notes can be obtained from either a Bank or from the Grand Exchange.


Items can be exchanged for Notes when you withdraw them from your bank. When you access your bank account, you'll see a button at the bottom-center of the bank window, to the left of the bank slot usage indicator.

  • Not pressed: Your items will be withdrawn as regular items. This is the default option.
  • Pressed: Your items will be withdrawn as Bank Notes.

Grand Exchange

Items may be withdrawn from the Grand Exchange in either noted or un-noted form. By default, if only a single item is witdrawn from the Grand Exchange, it is taken in un-noted form. When more than one item is withdrawn at once, the items will be in noted form. Alternatively, players may right-click the item to select how they would like to withdraw it from the Grand Exchange.


Bank Slots Osrs

Stiles is an NPC located west of Musa Point, and just south of the Karamja Volcano. He will note your raw or cooked Tuna, Lobsters, and Swordfish free of charge. This is convenient for players fishing on the docs, since they do not need to travel to and from a bank to unload their fish.

Retrieving Items From Notes

There are two main ways to exchange Bank Notes for the items they represent. First, by depositing the notes in your bank, you have the option of withdrawing them as regular items. Second, notes can be sold to a General Store, and then bought back in their regular item form.

Trading With Bank Notes

The main purpose of Bank Notes is to make it easier and more convenient to trade large amounts of unstackable items with other players.

Suppose you were looking to buy 500 Steel Bars for 300,000gp (600gp each) to train your Smithing skill. Without using Bank Notes, and simply trading the actual items, you would need to trade multiple times -- thats 20 separate trades if you traded 25 bars each time! With Bank Notes, the trade can be completed in a single step, trading your coins for the 500 noted Steel Bars.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Bank notes are stackable, so each type of noted item will only take up one space in your inventory.
  • Notes are weightless, so your Run Energy will last longer than if you were carrying the items in their un-noted form (especially heavy items).
  • Casting an Alchemy spell on a noted item will yield the same amount of coins as alchemizing the item in un-noted form.
  • Rare edible items such as Pumpkins cannot be accidentally eaten in noted form.
  • Transporting large amounts of unstackable items from one location to another (eg. food for training) is possible. Food can be taken in noted form to a training area, sold at a General Store and then bought back in regular form.


  • Items cannot be used in noted form, including food, tools and potions.
  • Noted items are subject to the 'keep three items on death' rule. Each note counts as one item, and you can only keep your three most valuable items on death. Assuming your noted items are the most valuable items in your inventory, you will only keep three of your noted items.

Certificates (RuneScape Classic)

Instead, you may have just been wondering about Certificates and how you can get them. In RuneScape Classic, you could only trade certain items such as ores, bars and fish for Certificates.

There were 3 characters in Draynor Village that exchange items for Certificates: Niles, Miles and Giles. Niles would exchange cooked and raw Lobsters and Swordfish for Certificates. Miles exchanged Iron, Coal, Silver, Gold and Mithril Bars, while Giles exchanged ores of the same type for Certificates.

You could only exchange certain numbers of items for Certificates at once. There was the option of exchanging items of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 for Certificates, and each cert was equal to 5 items-- imagine 'certing' 2,500 items!

Certificates are only available in RuneScape Classic, as they have been replaced in RuneScape with Bank Notes for their ease of use.

Published on: June 07, 2005 01:10 AM UTC by Salmoneus

Bank Slots Osrs Exp

Updated on: July 13, 2011 07:37 AM UTC by Salmoneus